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Crocus bulb FAQS

Plant high-quality crocus corms from T&M to enjoy a carpet of vibrant, goblet-shaped blooms in autumn or early spring. Our extensive collection of colourful crocuses has been carefully selected to showcase the best varieties on offer. These special blooms look fabulous grouped under bare trees in spring, dotted through window boxes, peeking out of borders or packed into containers. And if you choose autumn-flowering saffron crocuses, you can harvest the filaments to flavour your food! Read our crocus masterclass for tried and tested tips on growing these popular spring-flowering bulbs.

When to plant crocus bulbs in the ground in the UK

Technically a corm rather than a bulb, spring-flowering crocuses should be planted in the ground during the early autumn, ideally from late September to November. Autumn-flowering crocuses should be planted in late summer, by the end of September.

When to plant crocus bulbs in pots

For containers, aim to plant your crocus corms at a similar time as you would plant them in the ground. That’s early autumn for spring-flowering varieties and late summer for autumn-flowering varieties. Fill your pots with high-quality, well-draining soil, and position them in a sunny spot. If you’re planting up a bulb lasagne, pop your crocuses on the top layer at about 7-12cm deep.

How to plant crocus bulbs

Plant crocus bulbs in groups with the pointed end facing upwards in well-drained soil. They should be about 7-10cm deep and spaced about 7cm apart. They perform best in a sunny spot but can cope in areas of partial shade, such as that found under a deciduous tree.

If you want to naturalise crocuses in your lawn, the larger Dutch hybrids (Crocus vernus) are tall enough to hold their own in long grass as it starts to grow again in spring. These bigger corms should be planted about 12cm deep and 10cm apart.

Do crocus bulbs multiply?

Yes, your crocus bulbs will multiply and naturalise over time. They produce offsets or small corms that grow into new crocus plants, creating larger and more impressive displays each year. Once your crocuses are really well established, they may also start to self-seed.

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